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Yes, theoretically, waterjet technologies can be used in cutting any material.

Yazar: Luke Smith http://www.owweac.cn/tr/su-jeti-ve-su-kesme-yontemi-nedir/#comment-31014 21 Haziran 2023 ?ar 00:01:50 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3620#comment-31014 I like that you talked about how water cutting could create a smooth cut that does not create rough, burring edges. I visited a workshop the other day and I saw one of their machines was used for waterjet cutting. It seems waterjet cutting could be used in quite a lot of applications nowadays, like aluminium cutting for example.

Yazar: Felix http://www.owweac.cn/tr/su-jeti-ve-su-kesme-yontemi-nedir/#comment-11611 Fri, 29 Jul 2022 08:59:48 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3620#comment-11611 Ich wusste nicht, dass das Wasserstrahlschneiden damals nur zum Schneiden von Papier verwenden werden konnte. Heute ist da eine unglaubliche Kraft dahinter. Mein Vater erz?hlt mir da ab und zu von seiner Arbeit.

Yazar: Tim http://www.owweac.cn/tr/su-jeti-ve-su-kesme-yontemi-nedir/#comment-10872 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 02:57:57 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3620#comment-10872 Henry Killingsworth yorumuna yan?t olarak.

Hi Henry,
Thanks for your comment.
Yes, waterjet cutting technologies can definitely be used in cutting countertops, and it is very similar to marble cutting.
Best regards,

Yazar: Henry Killingsworth http://www.owweac.cn/tr/su-jeti-ve-su-kesme-yontemi-nedir/#comment-10861 Thu, 16 Jun 2022 19:57:59 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3620#comment-10861 It was really informative when you talked about how water jet cutting can be used to cut materials like marble and metal. Is water jet cutting used for shaping marble that is used for countertops? As far as I know, countertops are often found in many unique shapes, so it makes sense if water jetting is used in this industry.

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