High-energy ball milling is the simplest and most effective to produce ultrafine cemented carbide materials,...
Grinding is an important step in the preparation of cemented carbide mixtures and is a...
Son y?llarda, ?zellikle ultra ince taneli sementit karbür üretim teknolojisi h?zla geli?mi?tir...
WC taneciklerinin büyüklü?ü sürtünme ve a??nma ?zellikleri a??s?ndan büyük ?nem ta??maktad?r...
Karbürler, yüksek bas?n? dayan?m?, sertlik ve elastiklik modülüne sahip refrakter karbürlerden olu?ur.
Dü?ük bas?n?l? s?cak izostatik presleme (HIP), Bat?l? geli?mi? ülkelerde geli?tirilen yeni bir sinterleme prosesidir...
WC-Co karbürden yap?lm?? bir?ok yap? termo-mekanik yüklemeye maruz kal?r ve...
Karbürler esas olarak iki tip katk? maddesi i?erirler: Biri refrakter metal karbürleri, di?eri ise...
?imentolu karbürlerde kristal düzleminin ara?t?r?lmas? ve geli?tirilmesi ?nemli ?al??ma alanlar?ndan biridir...
Karbürlü kesici tak?mlar kesme i?lemlerinde olduk?a yayg?n olarak kullan?l?r ve do?ru se?im...
Currently, TiN is the primary coating used for coated cutters, but traditional nitride coatings (such...
The vibration of end mills machining titanium alloys is quite a problem. As we know,...
Metalworking burrs are a common issue that everyone encounters, such as in drilling, turning, milling,...
During the cutting process, Carbide tools are prone to breakage and performance changes due to...
The wear and boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are often found in the...
Multi-axis linkage technologies, especially five-axis machining centers have become increasingly mature. Machining centers are more...
With the continuous advancement of mechanical machining technology, the use of indexable carbide cutting tools...
During cutting, the front and back surfaces of the cutting tool frequently come into contact...
End mills are one of the most crucial cutting tools in CNC milling operations, widely...
The materials subjected to wood milling cutters include solid wood, various types of wood-based panels,...
Tungsten carbide cemented carbide has good thermal conductivity, minimal hardness decrease at high temperatures, good...
The extrusion technology for tungsten carbide mixed materials has made significant advancements in terms of...
Carbide circular saw blades have been widely used in metallurgical, mechanical, and other manufacturing industries....
In addition to die core cracking caused by improper mold-making and wire drawing processes, the...
A mechanical seal is a device that relies on elastic components to pre-tighten the sealing...
Overview In recent years, research on coarse grain carbide grades and materials has been advancing...
Carbide?valves are widely used in various fields such as oil and gas drilling, mineral mining,...
Tungsten carbide is brazed with 40Cr medium carbon steel using vacuum brazing technology. Vacuum brazing...
Toz ta??ma gibi zorlu ko?ullarda karbür valflere yayg?n olarak ihtiya? duyulur, a??nma direnci...
Karbür rulolar ?ubuk, tel, di?li ?elik, diki?siz ?elik üretiminde yayg?n olarak kullan?lmaktad?r...
MEETYOU KARBüR mükemmel tungsten karbür ürünleri (?zellikle karbür ?ubuklar, karbür ...
MEC?NICA 2018 MEC?NICA ?MALAT DENEY?M? 24-27 Nisan 2018 Stand: G114a Fuar Merkezi Norte - SP ...
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