In recent years,YG8 tungsten carbide (WC) materials have gained increasing attention due to their excellent...
Coarse Tungsten Carbide (WC) is a fundamental raw material for producing coarse WC-Co alloys. The...
Cemented carbide is a significant type of cemented carbide, widely used in manufacturing cutting tools,...
The oxidation with temperature in the cutting area can reach 1000°C significantly reduces the hardness...
Research status For WC-Co carbide, the rapidly advancing Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing (AM)...
Carbide?rods, due to their special properties of wear resistance, high hardness, excellent fracture toughness, and compressive strength, have been widely used in various fields such as metal processing, electronics industry, wood processing, aerospace industry, and medicine. They are ideal preliminary materials for manufacturing printed circuit board micro-drills, milling cutters, reamers, step tools, long rod tools, taps, and dot matrix printer needles. With the development of technology, the demand for carbide?rods is increasing, and forming techniques have evolved from traditional processes such as cold isostatic pressing and die pressing to more modern and economical extrusion molding processes, resulting in better quality and a wider variety of products.
Karbürün sinterlenmesi, karbür üretiminde ?ok ?nemli bir ad?md?r. Presleme i?lemi s?ras?nda...
?u anda alet imalat?nda uygulanan ba?l?ca iki tür 3D bask? teknolojisi vard?r. Bir...
Alüminyum ala??m?, baz olarak alüminyum i?eren ala??mlar i?in genel bir terimdir. Ana...
Karbür nedir? karbür, sert metallerden olu?an, toz metalurjisi i?lemiyle yap?lan ala??ml? bir malzemedir...
When a user has the option between a replaceable insert end mill and a solid...
To reduce tool Build-Up and minimize the cost of tool wear during mass production, a...
It is essential to carefully select the appropriate end milling blade shapes for hardened steel...
High-speed milling technology has had a significant impact on mould processing procedures, transforming traditional processes...
A face milling cutter is primarily used for machining flat surfaces. It features multiple cutting...
If your lathe toolkit includes a range of lathe tools, you can perform a variety...
Cutting fluid has four main functions: lubrication, cooling, cleaning, and rust prevention. However, even when...
When it comes to cutting chips, everyone is familiar. Experienced production personnel can infer the...
This article will introduce typical solutions with high-precision cutting tools for machining parts in the...
The main methods of metal cutting for thread machining include turning, milling, and tapping. This...
A mechanical seal is a device that relies on elastic components to pre-tighten the sealing...
Overview In recent years, research on coarse grain carbide grades and materials has been advancing...
Carbide?valves are widely used in various fields such as oil and gas drilling, mineral mining,...
Tungsten carbide is brazed with 40Cr medium carbon steel using vacuum brazing technology. Vacuum brazing...
Toz ta??ma gibi zorlu ko?ullarda karbür valflere yayg?n olarak ihtiya? duyulur, a??nma direnci...
Karbür rulolar ?ubuk, tel, di?li ?elik, diki?siz ?elik üretiminde yayg?n olarak kullan?lmaktad?r...
Elmas sentezi i?in pek ?ok ?zel pres türü vard?r ve bunlar ?u ?ekilde s?n?fland?r?labilir:
Di?li ?arkl? matkap ucu, minerallerin ??kar?lmas?nda yayg?n olarak kullan?lan ?nemli bir ara?t?r...
?nsanlar vidalar?n do?rudan so?uk ?i?irme kal?b?ndan bast?r?ld???na inan?yor. Ancak kesinlikle...
Kalkan tünel a?ma kesicisi, tünel a?ma makineleri i?in temel destekleyici ara?lard?r ve performanslar? ve servisleri...
MEETYOU KARBüR mükemmel tungsten karbür ürünleri (?zellikle karbür ?ubuklar, karbür ...
MEC?NICA 2018 MEC?NICA ?MALAT DENEY?M? 24-27 Nisan 2018 Stand: G114a Fuar Merkezi Norte - SP ...

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