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No matter what you think of, you are not likely to think of our furniture anyway, nor will it be associated with wood. Why? Because you will feel welded wood, it is not a matter of “fueling on fire”, who makes our favorite wood most afraid of heat and fire.

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However, the welding we are going to say today is indeed applied to the connection of wood products, but unlike the common iron welding requires the introduction of ultra-high heat sources. What is mysterious technology? Don’t worry, this article introduces you to the “round bar rotating wood welding technology.”

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Focusing on the “high-speed rotation”, “friction”, “instant engagement” is undoubtedly the characteristics of the technology, but still do not understand: Why can we achieve the so-called “welding”?

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It can be seen from the above figure that the microscopic welds of the welded strips are intertwined and connected. When the friction welding of the wood is completed, the “new interface” lignin and hemicellulose (furfural, xylan) are formed into a polymerization and cross-linking chemical reaction. Therefore, after the round bar stops rotating, in order to ensure a certain joint strength, it is necessary to maintain a certain instantaneous pressure.

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