
Today I am going to introduce some strange looking micrometers. Let’s see what you have seen?

First of all, the palm measuring tool which can measure pearls is introduced——

Quick mini portable small comparator

Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 2

Like the product name “quick mini”, this handheld comparator is light in weight and good at measuring the size of small, light and delicate objects quickly.Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 3

The secret of fast measurement is using absolute encoder

There is no need to set zero for each boot

Its measurement range is 0-12mm, small objects such as pearls, jewelry, thin objects such as paper, noodles, glasses, lenses, fossils, thin wire and rod objects such as fishing line, dental reamer, PCB, hard wire drill, etc. can be used to quickly measure the size.Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 4

Measure the thickness of the paper

There is also a mini depth gauge in the depth gauge, which adopts a compact design with a resolution of 0.01mm, and can measure the tread pattern depth quickly and stably.

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Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 6

Micro depth gauge

Here are the slender micrometers:

Micrometer for tank mouth joint

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The micrometer can measure the width, height and depth of the joint of the tank mouth. There are three types of aluminum cans, iron cans and spray cans.Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 8

Measure like this

There’s another one that looks similar:

Wire micrometer

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The thickness of wire rod with diameter less than 10 mm can be known by measuring with wire micrometer.

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There are people who are thinner than them

Groove micrometer

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groove Micrometer

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The flange shaped micrometer screw, anvil and two-way ratchet locking device of the groove micrometer can easily measure the depth and position relationship between the inner hole of the groove and the inner groove of the pipe.

After looking at the slender micrometer, let’s take a look at several quick measuring micrometers, such as the one suitable for measuring large quantities of products

Quick lever caliper

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The quick lever caliper adopts bench type measurement design, and the division value of 1 micron can ensure accurate measurement. It is also equipped with adjustable workpiece limiter, which is very suitable for measuring the workpiece with poor stability.

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Large size indicator is easy to read

Considering the usage habit of the operator, there is also a lever micrometer which can set the left and right positions of the anvil compression button

Lever micrometer

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Whether the button is on the left or right is up to you

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The following is a limit caliper with two micrometer heads:

Limit micrometer

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As shown in the figure above, this micrometer can set the upper and lower limits of two micrometer heads as limit calipers.

That’s all for today. Have you seen any other strange micrometers? Let’s talk about them. Meet the Common Micrometers that You can See on the Market 18

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