国产一级137片内射麻豆黑料网,欧美日韩视频高清一区 http://www.owweac.cn/de/3-methods-to-produce-spherical-carbide-powder/ Do, 03. Aug. 2023 11:21:22 +0000 stündlich 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Von: Tim http://www.owweac.cn/de/3-methods-to-produce-spherical-carbide-powder/#comment-34365 Do, 03. Aug. 2023 11:21:22 +0000 http://www.owweac.cn/?p=22027#comment-34365 Als Antwort auf Dale Harrison.

Hello Dale,
Thank you for leaving a comment!
Could you please send us an inquiry to sales@meetyoucarbide.com?
Best regards,

Von: Dale Harrison http://www.owweac.cn/de/3-methods-to-produce-spherical-carbide-powder/#comment-33913 So, 16. Juli 2023 06:23:57 +0000 http://www.owweac.cn/?p=22027#comment-33913 Hello. I work in the aviation sector and we are metal strip drawing SS aviation grade metal and cannot seem to find a carbide that gives us the toughness and long wear properties that normal carbide would provide with regular tungsten carbide used in metal drawing of softer materials?Would you have a supplier list of companies that provide this new type of carbide? Regards

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