
high speed steel CNC tips

It is a kind of high alloy tool steel with more tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium and other alloy elements. It has high thermal stability, high strength (bending strength is 2 ~ 3 times that of cemented carbide and 5 ~ 6 times that of ceramics), toughness (more than ten times that of cemented carbide and ceramics), certain hardness and wear resistance. It is easy to manufacture and form, and it is easy to grind out sharp blades. It is often used to make tools with complex shapes. High speed steel can be divided into:

General purpose high speed steel. It is widely used to manufacture various complex cutting tools, and can cut most structural steel and cast iron materials with hardness below 250 ~ 280hbs. According to the different content of tungsten in steel, it can be divided into tungsten steel and tungsten molybdenum steel. Typical grades of tungsten steel are W18Cr4V (w18 for short, with good comprehensive properties, but insufficient strength and toughness, and poor thermoplasticity), w18cr4vmnxt (with better carbide distribution and thermoplasticity than the former), and W6Mo5Cr4V2 (W6 for short, with good thermoplasticity, suitable for rolling or twisting or twisting drill bits, with thermal stability lower than w18) and W9Mo3Cr4V (w9 for short, with better mechanical properties and good thermoplasticity).

High performance high speed steel. Including high carbon high speed steel, high vanadium high speed steel, cobalt high speed steel and ultra hard high speed steel, also known as high thermal stability

High performance high-speed steel, its tool durability is about 1.5 ~ 3 times that of general-purpose high-speed steel tools. It is suitable for processing austenitic stainless steel, high-temperature alloy, titanium alloy, ultra-high strength steel and other difficult materials. Common brands include: w2mo9cr4co8, W6Mo5Cr4V2Al, w10mo4cr4v3al, etc.

Powder metallurgy high speed steel. High speed steel is a kind of high-speed steel that uses high-pressure argon or pure nitrogen to atomize molten high-speed steel, directly obtain fine high-speed steel powder, then press the powder into a dense billet under high temperature and high pressure, and finally roll the billet into steel or tool shape. The utility model has the advantages that the fine and uniform crystal structure can be obtained, and the grinding machinability is very good. It is especially suitable for manufacturing tools for difficult to machine materials and large-size tools (such as hobs and gear shapers), as well as precision tools.

4 Types of cutting tool materials for CNC TIPS 1

cemented carbide cnc tips

Cemented carbide is made of refractory metal carbides (TIC, WC, TAC, NBC, etc.) and metal binders (such as CO, Ni, etc.) by powder metallurgy. Cemented carbide has high hardness and wear resistance, its cutting performance is much higher than that of high-speed steel, and the tool durability can be increased by several times to dozens of times; But the bending strength and impact toughness are poor. Because of its excellent cutting performance, it is widely used as tool material. Most turning tools and end mills are made of cemented carbide; Deep hole drills, reamers and some complex cutters such as gear hobs are now also made of cemented carbide.

According to ISO standard, cutting cemented carbides are divided into three categories: P (equivalent to Chinese YT), K (equivalent to Chinese YG) and m (equivalent to Chinese YW).

WC Co (YG) cemented carbides, mainly composed of wc+co, can be divided into coarse grain, medium grain, fine grain and ultra-fine grain. Commonly used brands include YG3X, YG6X, YG6, YG8, etc., which are mainly used for processing cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

WC tic CO (YG) cemented carbides contain 5% ~ 30% TIC in addition to WC. The commonly used grades are YT5, YT14, YT15 and yt30, which are mainly used for processing steel.

WC tic tac (NBC) -co (YW) cemented carbides, in which a certain amount of TAC (NBC) is added. The commonly used brands are yw1 and yw2. They can be used to process cast iron, non-ferrous metals, various steels and their alloys.

4 Types of cutting tool materials for CNC TIPS 2

coated tools cnc tips

Coated tools are obtained by coating a thin layer of refractory metal compound with high wear resistance on the matrix of cemented carbide tools with good toughness. Common coating materials include tic, tin, TiB2, ZrO2, Ti (C, n) and Al2O3.

Coated cemented carbides are generally produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Tic is the most widely used coating material at the deposition temperature of 1000oC. The wide use of non regrinding cutting tools has opened up a broad world for the development of coated carbide cutting tools. Practice has proved that the durability of coated cemented carbide blades can be increased by at least 1 ~ 3 times.

Coated high-speed steel cutting tools are generally produced by physical vapor deposition (PVD) at a deposition temperature of about 500, which is one of the main trends in the development of cutting tool technology. Coated high-speed steel cutting tools mainly include drill bits, taps, hobs, end mills, etc. on tin coated machine tools, better TiAlN and Ti (C, n) coatings have been developed, and the tool durability can be increased by more than 2 ~ 10 times.

ceramic cnc tips

Ceramic cutting tool materials are made by adding various carbides, nitrides, borides, oxygen, nitrides, etc. to the ceramic matrix according to a certain production process. It has unique advantages such as high hardness, wear resistance, heat resistance and chemical stability. In the range of high-speed cutting and processing some difficult materials, especially in the heating cutting method, any high-speed steel and cemented carbide tools, including coated tools, cannot be compared with it. It can be used to manufacture various turning tools, including forming turning tools, boring tools, reamers and milling tools. There are many varieties and brands of ceramic tool materials, which can be roughly divided into the following three categories according to their main components:

Alumina ceramics. It is a ceramic material with alumina (Al2O3) as the main body, including pure alumina ceramics and composite ceramics with various carbides, oxides, nitrides and borides added to alumina. Its outstanding advantages are high hardness and wear resistance, while its disadvantages are high brittleness, low bending strength and poor thermal shock resistance. At present, it is mostly used for high-speed finishing of cast iron and quenched and tempered steel.

Silicon nitride ceramics. It includes silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics and composite silicon nitride ceramics based on silicon nitride and added with other carbides. Its bending strength and fracture toughness are higher than those of alumina ceramics, and its thermal shock resistance is also better. It has achieved good results in processing hardened steel, chilled cast iron, graphite products, glass fiber reinforced plastics and other materials.

Composite silicon nitride alumina (si3n4+ Al2O3) ceramics. Its main components are silicon (SI), aluminum (AL), oxygen (o) and nitrogen (n), so it is named sialon The material has excellent high temperature resistance, thermal shock resistance and mechanical shock resistance. Its performance in processing cast iron and nickel base superalloy is much better than that of hot pressed alumina ceramic blade. One of its main features is that it can adopt large feed rate and high cutting speed. In addition, some tools made of superhard tool materials such as diamond and cubic boron nitride have also been used in CNC machine tools and can process some difficult materials with high precision and high efficiency.

4 Types of cutting tool materials for CNC TIPS 3

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